Ashdale Primary School

Ashdale Primary is located in the North Metro Education Region. It is located in Darch, a suburb. It is an Independent Government School that serves students in Kindergarten through Year 6. Ashdale Primary School is committed to being a school of excellence. They recognize the importance of nurturing the whole child, and creating a safe and nurturing learning environment.
Ashdale Primary is part of a cluster of Independent Public Schools in the area, which includes Landsdale PS (madeley PS), Carnaby Rise PS, Ashdale Secondary College and Carnaby Rise PS. Ashdale’s cluster of schools is establishing strong connections in many areas of learning and teaching. Ashdale Primary School students will continue their secondary education at Ashdale Secondary College, which is located adjacent to the primary school.
The school is an independent government school that serves students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Ashdale Primary School is committed to being a school of excellence. They recognize the importance of nurturing the whole child, and creating a safe, nurturing learning environment.
Their school has highly qualified and experienced teachers who work together to maximize the learning outcomes of all students. They are always looking for ways to improve learning and teaching through data analysis, professional learning and research. To ensure all students succeed, they have created whole-school, evidence-based teaching methods. Teachers recognize the importance of parents’ contributions to each child’s learning and work with families to meet their needs. Ashdale Primary School recognizes that each child is unique and has different needs. They identify children who could benefit from remediation and extension. They also offer a special Literacy Intervention Program for students who need additional support as part of their commitment in meeting the needs of all children. All children will feel challenged, confident and successful because of this program.
They have also developed a school-wide PERCS Values Program. This program teaches children perseverance, excellence and respect. It also recognizes when children display these qualities in the classroom or on the playground.
Ashdale Primary School was established in 2005. It has modern technology-integrated facilities. The school has interactive whiteboards in the classrooms. It also has a well-stocked library of iPads and laptops available for students. The iPad 1:1 program allows students in Year 4 and up to seamlessly use the technology across all learning areas.
Ashdale Primary School offers a wide range of specialties to children, including teachers who are experts in Science, Technology, Visual Arts, LOTE, Italian, and Physical Education. There are many opportunities for children to take part in musical/performance and sporting events throughout the year. Their vibrant, expansive library is a central feature of the school. It encourages inquiry and enjoyment while also promoting reading.
The nature playgrounds were designed by leading experts in order to provide children with more opportunities to play and learn in beautiful outdoor settings. Their community garden allows children to engage in science, art, and nature-based learning experiences with their parents and the community.
Ashdale Primary School is home to students from diverse backgrounds. This has made it a multicultural school. Teachers are open to incorporating cultural aspects into their classroom activities and making connections to their students’ homes. Students are encouraged to celebrate and show pride in their heritage by participating in whole-school events like Harmony Day, where they perform multicultural acts.
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