Kingsway Christian College

Kingsway Christian College was founded on the premise that parents of the northern suburbs of Perth should have an institution that is in line with their Christian beliefs.
Kingsway is a faith-based, unwavering education, while providing an extensive array of academic and co-curricular opportunities to learn. The Kingsway education allows students to achieve their goals academically, imaginatively and spiritually with the help of a similar community. Through partnering with Kingsway families can be secure knowing that their beliefs are valued and valued.
There are many Christian parents, the decision to choose schools can be overwhelming and difficult. Is a Christian-led education must come at the cost of academic excellence? Are parents confronted with a wrongful choice where they must sacrifice their Christian values and select an education solely on academic results? For long enough parents have been led to think that these two goals are incompatible. Kingsway Christian College was founded in 1983 in order to resolve this issue for families. Kingsway is aware that deciding to pursue an education is a crucial decision and shouldn’t be questioned.
Many families commute to the northern suburbs of Perth to offer their children and Kingsway education. Kingsway has been able to provide guidance to generations of students in helping to live lives that are modeled by Christ.
They welcome families from diverse backgrounds and religions in their community, but remain committed to their fundamental values. They recognize that Kingsway isn’t suitable for all. This is why they encourage families to discuss with them about their child’s requirements in school, to ensure that they can make a decision on whether Kingsway is the best College to work with.
Students can be free to participate inspired to serve and feel secure that they are part of the community in a space where learning is a way of life.
Kingsway Christian College was founded in 1984 by four families that wanted to provide an education for their children that was based on firm Christian faith and morals. In 1983, a constitution was created along with the Association of interested parents was created. The Steering Committee was formed to study the creation of the newly-established Christian school. It was in the year 1984 (on an old site that was the Baptist church in Craigie) the school for children from the age of 1 to 8 was established, with 6 teachers and 110 students.
After buying the land of eight acres located 25 km north of Perth the first foundations were laid the 23rd of November 1984. The first structures were built. The property next door was bought in 1986, which expanded the area to seven hectares and also provided plenty of area to allow for further expansion.
The first building consisted of 3 classrooms, a cafeteria and an undercover area as well as an accessible transport facility from the initial Craigie site. In the following twenty years, three stages of a construction program were created.
Kingsway Christian College is a school that is built on a solid Christian base. It is a group of people who teach students how to bring God’s kingdom to the earth’. The society is not a factor, and they are well-known for putting Jesus in the center of all they do.
Kingsway students excel in their studies because of the individual attention and care they receive and also because they strive for excellence, while also developing character. They quit the College with a confidence in what God has called them to accomplish. They are sent out into the world to serve with the best ability in any capacity that they can find themselves, demonstrating the ideals that they learned from college throughout their lives.
Kingsway employees are enthusiastic when working at Kingsway and are dedicated to academic excellence and constantly expanding their knowledge and talents. They are supported and well-equipped, and the Kingsway staff work together and push to unleash the best in themselves and the people around them.
They have created a place that makes use of their physical assets to improve learning and development. their infrastructure and technology support innovation and creativity, and which allows young minds to be allowed to explore the world as it could be. Their community is aware that they’re stronger when they collaborate and are united in their goal and goals; their community is energized by their diversity as its goal is more important than any one individual. Families are thrilled to be a part of the College They are active in helping and making an impact. The college is a great place to bring out the best of its students that go on to impact the world at large, to God’s glory.
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