YMCA Carnaby Rise Outside School Hours Care

The Industrial Revolution in England was a time of great despair, poverty and the founding of the YMCA. George Williams, a drapery trader, felt that something needed to be done. He formed a group of friends to create a society that would meet regularly to support one another and gain new strength in mind, body and spirit. The Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) was the name of the group. The group was founded in 1902 and continued until the early 1900s. Its primary focus was on the welfare and other social issues of young men.
George Williams, along with other founding members, was quick to organize YMCA branches in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Over the next ten year, YMCA Movements began to grow across Western Europe, USA and New Zealand.
The depression and the world war forced the YMCA to revert back to its original foundations of community and social concern. Youth work, youth clubs and leadership training were the main focuses. YMCA branches and associations can be found around the globe.
Since its inception in 1844, the YMCA’s history has seen great strides. You don’t have to be young, male or Christian in order to join the YMCA. They are an active, vibrant community organisation that strives to make a positive impact by giving everyone the opportunity to be happy, healthy, and connected.
With the opening in Hay Street, 1869, Perth was the first YMCA Association of Western Australia. YMCA Perth was founded in 1908. However, it was dissolved in 1870.
YMCA Perth’s focus has been on young people throughout its history. This includes activities like camps, arts and leadership programs, as well as youth work and youth hostels.
In 1902, the Eastern Goldfields YMCA opened its doors. The Association struggled during the First World War. It was eventually dissolved by the efforts of Kalgoorlie, Boulder Rotary, and the Perth YMCA between 1947 and 1949.
The YMCA WA merged with Eastern Goldfields YMCA in July 2016. This brought all operations at Kalgoorlie to the YMCA WA umbrella. Both organisations made the decision together to ensure that children, families and young people in the area have a strong and committed YMCA.
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